Monday 3 September 2012

Spiritual books

Spiritual books are known to be our best friends for their unconditional love towards us. Reading generally, has always been one of our favorite hobbies. As far as spiritual inspiration and knowledge is concerned, there is no substitute for acquiring it other than from spiritual books. These books are fuel for our thoughts and beliefs, they provide us the inspiration and courage to stand up for what we feel is right for our growth.

Spiritual books have begun to multiply in number in recent times. And it is true that once we go through the work of writers who have had spiritual inspiration, our lives get changed.

Tired of leading stressful and unhappy lives, people with a desire to lead peaceful lives are resorting to spirituality. Thus spirituality is on the rise. Walking on the path of spirituality not only helps us to realize our real self, but it also inspires us and drives us to lead a joyous life. If we intend to relax and attain peace of mind we should read spiritual books.

A good way of selecting these inspiring books is to search online for them. We need to select a few good spiritual books available in the market and start reading it religiously. We should make a regular habit of reading them, set up a time of the day for the same, and put our whole mind on it. While reading spiritual books we should not be watching TV or eating or doing anything else.

We slowly begin to see the world around us in a different perspective. We begin to comprehend why a person is behaving the way he/she is. We learn to take things in stride and move on without getting much baffled from his/her behaviour.

Spiritual books help us clarify a lot of our doubts which otherwise seem difficult to resolve. We must believe that our time invested in spiritual reading will definitely change our lives. We become very positive. Our attitude and point of view for life also changes. Realizing our dreams and aspirations will become easy and we shall experience joys like never before.

This blissful experience is an important facet of spiritual inspiration coming through books. Nonetheless, mere reading won’t help us unless we learn to apply these principles in our day to day affairs. Spirituality is not about reading alone, it is about being and becoming. We need to understand the writer’s point of view and begin to follow it in our lives with determination. This is important because without doing this spiritual books will produce no good results.

For people like us who are moved by spiritual inspiration, it is necessary that we seek wholeheartedly until we reach our destination. And once we begin to find spiritual realization, we must keep seeking until we are convinced, at the deepest level of our inner being, of the eternal reality that God, is our own real self.

For some of us, this realization might happen in an instant explosive revelation; for others, it will occur quietly and gradually. Whenever it happens, we will all know.

Religion believes, science doubts, and spiritualism markets enlightenment. All one needs to know is; truth, love and thyself.

Saturday 1 September 2012

Information Technology: A promising future

Information technology has entered almost all sphere of life. From electricity bill payment to shopping, all are related and effected by IT in some way or the other. Industries are automating their tasks to cut down manual labor cost. Home appliances, industrial machines, watches, automobiles are using software to enhance the quality of products. As a result the demand of IT professionals is high in the market.

IT jobs are promising, it offers hefty salary package with immense opportunity to grow and expand your career. If you are an expert in your field and have good knowledge on your subject then you can easily get a handsome salary package. All you need to build your career in the IT industry is the right degree and skill, it is the only qualification you need to make your career in the IT industry. If you are a fresher and looking for primary level IT jobs then the internet could help you in finding your avenue but for specialist level and higher standard IT jobs you have to rely on your professional contacts as most of the organizations do not disclose higher level job opening at job portals.

You can start your IT career as a software engineer, web developer, database manager and IT hardware professional. To accelerate your IT career it is important to update your skill from time to time. Learn industry level skill and enhance your capability. Courses offered by SAP and Oracle are very promising though it is not easy to clear these exams but once you become SAP or Oracle certified professional, your value will increase in the industry.

Searching for IT jobs is not a tough job there are various online portals and IT recruitment companies dealing in IT jobs. Job portals are more useful as there you can see different openings posted by numbers of IT companies. IT jobs are promising; it is one of the well-paid industries with fast growth rate. Start hunting for your dream IT job with online portals and give right shape to your career.

“Send your resume to online job portals for IT job and get hired by best IT companies.”

'I am a white American that married a Nigerian.' - Crystal Owonubi

Crystal Ellis Owonubi (pictured) lives in Jos with her family. She has been sharing her story with other Americans and people in the world at large via a popular Facebook page 'Mixed and Happy: I support mixed-raced families!" Here's something she wrote.

"I grew up in Bauxite, Arkansas. I have lived in Nigeria for the past 7 years with my husband. We have two children together. We have been married for 12 years now. My father has never met my husband and has refused to accept my children also. When I had my first baby, a little girl that is now 12 years old. I called my father and said that I wanted to come and see him for Christmas with my baby. He said, "I don't want any black people in my home!" and hung up the phone!

I grew up in an all white school with only one mixed girl in the school. I was treated horribly in school because I dated a black boy that lived in the next town at the age of 16. My father told me that he would disown me and to this day, I have never received a phone call from him.

"I was called nigger lover in school and nobody wanted to sit by me. I knew what it felt like to be rejected. I was sent away to several different homes for troubled children because my mother did not want me to be with a black person. She would lock the phone up in her room. But, today I live in the blackest nation, Nigeria. And today I am happy that I did not end up racist like them or should I say ignorant." I am holding back my tears.

I thank God that he gave me a family of my own! He has blessed me with a wonderful man that understands me and loves me for who I am. He has blessed me with a wonderful family that accepts me regardless of my skin color and regardless of where I come from. Even though my mother and father in-law are both deceased now, I thank God for their lives and how they were able to show me love before they went on to be with the Lord.

"Many people have been amazed that I have been able to stay in Nigeria for this long, but now I am ready to share my story. This is not the full story nor is it the ending of the story, so watch out for my book... coming soon! God wrote my story, but I wrote the book. I pray that many peoples lives will be touched by my story and that lives will be changed."

British multinational, SAB Miller to build $100 million brewery in Onitsha

British multinational and international brewing giant, SABMiller (SAB) is set to formally open a $100 million brewery in Onitsha, Anambra State. The brewery will be the company’s first “greenfield” brewery facility in the country.
The formal opening will be this Thursday where Nigerian President, Goodluck Jonathan is expected to commission the multimillion dollar facility.
Work began on the brewery in 2011. The brewery is currently the largest single investment in Anambra State in the past two decades.
In terms of employment benefits, about 180 Anambra State indigenes are expected to be employed. This number is projected to rapidly increase to about 450 as production volumes grown. Raw materials such as sorghum and maize are expected to be sourced locally. The brewery is expected to commence with production of beer and malt  with an annual capacity of up to 500,000 hectoliters. Expected brands to be launched in the market include Hero Lager, Trophy Lager, Grand Lager, Grand Malt and Beta Malt.
Speaking on the brewery, Mark Bowman‚ Managing Director of SABMiller Africa‚ said: “Over the past five years we have invested over US$1 billion in Africa. Today’s opening is an indication of our commitment to increase our capacity further and to consolidate our position on the continent whilst contributing positively to the local communities in which we operate.”
Nigeria is currently Africa’s second largest beer market with a projected industry growth of about 6% per annum. South Africa is the continent’s largest beer market with a total consumption of 25 million hl (or 57 litres per person) annually.